"I felt that I had to write to tell you how happy I am at the treatment that John has received at your hands. You have worked wonders with him and I feel that our retirement plans are back on track.
When he took early retirement, back in May 2010, mainly through his hip and back problems, I thought that after a while he would be back to his old self but it wasn't that simple. After we moved here it became obvious that the problem would not go away that easily and I had seen your sign as we went up and down Joy Lane. It did take a little gentle persuasion to get him to go at first but how glad we are that he did. Although it took quite a while, I feel that the results far outway the time spent to get him better. We now enjoy long walks and he can garden for hours and not feel the pain that he used to.
So a big thank you for everything that you have and will still continue to do for him."