I saw a 62-year-old male patient this morning who came looking for a steroid injection for his foot. He had pain on and off for 2 years and recently paid privately to see an orthopaedic consultant. An x-ray and MRI of the foot revealed nothing unordinary other than mild degeneration and the consultant recommended a […]
Category Archives: Subacromial Bursitis
What is the difference between a Physiotherapist, Osteopath, and a Chiropractor?
“all the three professions work similarly so it doesn’t matter who you see as long as the end result is achieved.” This is a question I am often asked, and I understand why people are unsure. I often see people for back pain and during the treatment they will say they saw a physio for […]
How to beat NHS waiting lists
How to beat NHS waiting lists NHS waiting lists are growing by the day. And anyone who’s experienced pain in their body knows that this waiting time is not only conducive to recovery, it can also impact every aspect of your life. I’ve had numerous patients who’ve gone down the NHS route only to find […]
Whitstable Joy Lane Clinic can help with Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Impingement At Joy Lane Clinic, Whitstable our Osteopaths and Physicians see patients with shoulder complaints almost on a daily basis. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of your upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder. Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) […]
Shockwave Therapy
We are pleased to offer Shockwave Therapy at the clinic. Shockwave therapy is a non-surgical treatment, and works by delivering impulses of energy, targeted to specific damaged tissues within the abnormal tendon. This increases the blood flow within the affected area, stimulating cell regeneration and healing, and decreasing local factors which can cause pain. The Shockwave therapy is a […]
Muscloskeletal Ultrasound (MSKUS)
MSKUS is a safe non-invasive therapy that is used to help diagnose sprains, strains, tears, and other soft tissue conditions. At Joy Lane clinic we offer this service and also when necessary perform ultrasound guided injections. This past week we have done guided injections on a shoulder for subacromial bursitis, a knee for suprapatellar bursitis […]
Training whilst injured – Why Not!
I recently had shoulder surgery which turned out better than expected in that although the long head of biceps tendon was torn it was still three quarters attached and the labrum (fibrocartilage) appeared fine so basically all I had done was a subacromial decompression – a clean-up. The surgery was performed on a Wednesday […]
Osteopath’s treat more than you think!
I suppose I am lucky that I am now established this past 13 years in practice and people are aware that I can treat all parts of the body, not just backs and necks. Recently I had a patient discussing a topic that often comes up, “GP’s don’t recognise osteopathy, and we are classed as […]
Rotator Cuff Misdiagnosis
Often patients present to the clinic with shoulder pain and they assume that it is due to one of the rotator cuff tendons because they have either searched the web and came to this conclusion or they have been diagnosed by another practitioner with a rotator cuff tendinitis. However there is one lesion which is […]